Monday, October 7, 2013

Nail Update~ Dulcet Fall Grays

Hello friends!

In these strange in-between times, it can be a little confusing as to which seasonal approach to take on fashion...or just how to stay appropriately clothed at all!

It's frigid in the mornings, there's frost on the windshield for crying out loud, but by the time the last school bell rings and you emit a satisfied sigh, looking forward to coming home and immediately diving into's over 70 degrees?! 

Now, I'm sure the situation may not be as drastic wherever you hail from. But if you're caught in the indecisive weather of Northwestern Louisiana like we are, things can get a bit frustrating.

{As far as fashion goes, I am a huge proponent of layering. More on that soon... in the Youtube dreamscape, if ya catch my drift. (; }

But let's talk about this nail color.
I've recently indulged my fascination with matte colors!~ Honestly... when I bought this bottle of nail polish, it was a spur of the moment buy in my local Walgreens. But now that I have it, I could not be happier. I didn't have any idea it was matte (ish?) until it dried! 

Sinful Colors's "My Turn"

Here I've applied 3 coats. It comes out a bit watery... but I was impressed with the finished product. I work with my hands a lot, making art and washing dogs and such, but so far there has been no chipping after 3 days (which is quite a record for me). And this is all without a top coat of any sort.

Now, for the heart of this post: Why I Think This Color Is Important!

  • Not only is a gray a neutral color, allowing it to be paired with many others, but it also adds a hint of steeliness to your look. I feel much bolder wearing something that isn't pink or at least iridescent. Perhaps that doesn't apply to you, you wild thing, but if it does... this is so much fun!
  • This gray isn't too cool. Gray is easily labeled as a fall or winter color. But this gray is a warm gray. It helps it to seem cozy and comfortable, just like fall should feel. (Sweaters and hot apple cider, anyone?) 
  • It just radiates smoldering and mysterious... yet quirky?
  • It is a fall trend, as illustrated by the renowned icon, First Lady Michelle Obama : 

    Grays can be found in all hues, tones, and variations on the market today. I just thought I'd share my obsession and this nifty find. Feel free to embrace this trend! I'm truly digging it, even though I accidentally stumbled upon it! Typical.

    Until next time, 
    -Emmaline ~ C;

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