Sunday, July 21, 2013

HOT PINK HUBRIS - Brooklyn White Show!

(The HOT PINK accents to the weather-inappropriate look.)
(Three pictures to the right are not mine. Top and bottom are copped from FB, but I wanted to show a real pic of her performing and such! Top right- credit to Claire Matthews. Middle right- Brooklyn's cover art to her single "HOT PINK HUBRIS." Bottom right- credit to Brooklyn White.)

(Velvet top- gift, skirt- Target, shoes- gift, necklace- Urban Outfitters, sunglasses- Urban Outfitters, headband- ModCloth, lipstick- Revlon "Cherries in the Snow")

On Friday, I went to a show by a friend of mine. She's a rapper named Brooklyn White, and she is going places. It was a great time and I really loved seeing her perform live! Her stage presence and vibe is awesome; I really appreciated the atmosphere she created- bringing out candles, having colorful t-shirts and flower crowns for sale, etc. (I got my hands on that one t-shirt pictured above AW YEAH pretty excited about that)

One of my favorite songs of hers is "HOT PINK HUBRIS" so I tried to accent my outfit with punches of hot pink through my accessories. I wanted bold lipstick to really pop, so I made my best attempts at a winged cat eye. I'm just beginning to explore eyeliner, but my mom said she liked it! ^.^

Check out Brooklyn's soundcloud here! "HOT PINK HUBRIS", "1213 BC", "BADA$$ BABES" are her latest songs out and they have the best lines. I want so many t-shirts with "got that thang that make them boys say dang" and "shows that I ain't scared of blood" on it. I want to wake up, look out the window, and start my day with a skywriting of "what's good with that dick." There's so many more, it's fantastic.

xo- Sarah

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